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What is the difference between mock and mock_model in RSpec

I've recently came across different tutorials, where people use both mock and mock_model functions.

In RSpec tutorial for controllers they use the mock_model function, but right in the documentation of RSpec, there is only mock function, but no mock_model

I tried to run some tests myself, and I didn't find any real difference, since everything was ok when I used either of those two functions, so is there any difference at all?

like image 755
Jakub Arnold Avatar asked Aug 12 '09 01:08

Jakub Arnold

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RSpec is a testing tool for Ruby, created for behavior-driven development (BDD). It is the most frequently used testing library for Ruby in production applications. Even though it has a very rich and powerful DSL (domain-specific language), at its core it is a simple tool which you can start using rather quickly.

1 Answers

As jenger said mock_model is an extension built for active record:

This is the source in 1.2.6:

     def mock_model(model_class, options_and_stubs = {})         id = options_and_stubs[:id] || next_id         options_and_stubs = options_and_stubs.reverse_merge({           :id => id,           :to_param => id.to_s,           :new_record? => false,           :errors => stub("errors", :count => 0)         })         m = mock("#{model_class.name}_#{id}", options_and_stubs)         m.__send__(:__mock_proxy).instance_eval <<-CODE           def @target.as_new_record             self.stub!(:id).and_return nil             self.stub!(:to_param).and_return nil             self.stub!(:new_record?).and_return true             self           end           def @target.is_a?(other)             #{model_class}.ancestors.include?(other)           end           def @target.kind_of?(other)             #{model_class}.ancestors.include?(other)           end           def @target.instance_of?(other)             other == #{model_class}           end           def @target.class             #{model_class}           end         CODE         yield m if block_given?         m       end 

So its quite a mouthful, but it

  • stubs the id with the next in a sequence
  • stubs to_param
  • stubs new_record? with false
  • stubs errors so it thinks there are no errors

It also extends the model instance with a bunch of stuff.

like image 87
Sam Saffron Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 09:09

Sam Saffron