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What is the difference between “document.write(‘hello world\n’);” and “document.writeln(‘hello world’);”?



What is the difference between document.write(‘hello world\n’); and document.writeln(‘hello world’);?


My question is what will be the difference of output.

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Jitendra Vyas Avatar asked Sep 24 '10 10:09

Jitendra Vyas

People also ask

What is the difference between document writeln and document write?

The Difference Between write() and writeln() writeln() adds a newline character after each statement. write() does not.

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write and writeln are the same function. The only difference is that writeln adds a new line at the end of the text.

5 Answers

Historically, writeln was intended to handle different newline conventions, of with \n is only one.

There are different conventions for end-of-line. '\n' is the end-of-line marker on UNIX, '\r' on Mac (AFAIK not any more as it's now a UNIX) and '\r\n' is DOS/Windows. Using writeln should automatically use the correct one on the desired platform in other languages, but I don't really know whether JavaScript's document.writeln automatically uses the correct one automagically.

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DarkDust Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 20:11


The writeln() method is identical to the write() method, with the addition of writing a newline character after each statement.

from w3schools.com

edit: for the sake of completeness :)

writeln on mozilla.org

writeln on w3.org

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Andreas Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 18:11


In theory, writeln() appends a line feed to the end of your string.

In practice, since you're talking Javascript, there's little real difference if you're generating HTML, since HTML ignores extra white space anyway.

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Spudley Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 20:11


afaik there's no difference between them. You'll end up with a line, which has a "new-line-sign" at the end, so the next text youre gonna display will show up in the following line.

if this is a tricky question sorry for my ignorance:)

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Katalonis Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 19:11


document.write() writes to the document without appending a newline on the end. document.writeln() writes to the document appending a newline at the end.

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thomasmalt Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 18:11
