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What is the difference between docker and docker-compose

docker and docker-compose seem to be interacting with the same dockerFile, what is the difference between the two tools?

like image 353
Hafiz Avatar asked Jun 22 '16 11:06


People also ask

Do you need docker with docker-compose?

For using Docker Compose on Windows, we need to just have Docker Desktop for Windows installed and don't need to install Docker Compose separately.

Is docker-compose and docker-compose same?

A Dockerfile is a simple text file that contains the commands a user could call to assemble an image whereas Docker Compose is a tool for defining and running multi-container Docker applications. Docker Compose define the services that make up your app in docker-compose.

1 Answers

The docker cli is used when managing individual containers on a docker engine. It is the client command line to access the docker daemon api.

The docker-compose cli can be used to manage a multi-container application. It also moves many of the options you would enter on the docker run cli into the docker-compose.yml file for easier reuse. It works as a front end "script" on top of the same docker api used by docker, so you can do everything docker-compose does with docker commands and a lot of shell scripting. See this documentation on docker-compose for more details.

Update for Swarm Mode

Since this answer was posted, docker has added a second use of docker-compose.yml files. Starting with the version 3 yml format and docker 1.13, you can use the yml with docker-compose and also to define a stack in docker's swarm mode. To do the latter you need to use docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.yml $stack_name instead of docker-compose up and then manage the stack with docker commands instead of docker-compose commands. The mapping is a one for one between the two uses:

  • Compose Project -> Swarm Stack: A group of services for a specific purpose
  • Compose Service -> Swarm Service: One image and it's configuration, possibly scaled up.
  • Compose Container -> Swarm Task: A single container in a service

For more details on swarm mode, see docker's swarm mode documentation.

like image 198
BMitch Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 13:10
