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Docker: adding a file from a parent directory



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Can Dockerfile copy files from parent directory?

It turns out that you cannot include files outside Docker's build context. However, you can copy files from the Dockerfile's parent directory.

How do I put files outside docker build context?

The best way to work around this is to specify the Dockerfile independently of the build context, using -f. For instance, this command will give the ADD command access to anything in your current directory. docker build -f docker-files/Dockerfile .

What is the difference between the add and copy Dockerfile instructions?

COPY is a docker file command that copies files from a local source location to a destination in the Docker container. ADD command is used to copy files/directories into a Docker image. It only has only one assigned function. It can also copy files from a URL.

You can build the Dockerfile from the parent directory:

docker build -t <some tag> -f <dir/dir/Dockerfile> .

With docker-compose, you could set context folder:

version: '3.3'    
          context: ./
          dockerfile: ./docker/yourservice/Dockerfile

Unfortunately, (for practical and security reasons I guess), if you want to add/copy local content, it must be located under the same root path than the Dockerfile.

From the documentation:

The <src> path must be inside the context of the build; you cannot ADD ../something/something, because the first step of a docker build is to send the context directory (and subdirectories) to the docker daemon.

EDIT: There's now an option (-f) to set the path of your Dockerfile ; it can be used to achieve what you want, see @Boedy 's response.

Adding some code snippets to support the accepted answer.

Directory structure :

 |__<my source files>

Docker file entry:

RUN mkdir -p /home/vagrant/dockerws/chatServerInstaller/scripts/
RUN mkdir -p /home/vagrant/dockerws/chatServerInstaller/src/
WORKDIR /home/vagrant/dockerws/chatServerInstaller

#Copy all the required files from host's file system to the container file system.
COPY setup/target/scripts/install_x.sh scripts/
COPY setup/target/scripts/install_y.sh scripts/
COPY src/ src/

Command used to build the docker image

docker build -t test:latest -f setup/docker/Dockerfile .

Since -f caused another problem, I developed another solution.

  • Create a base image in the parent folder
  • Added the required files.
  • Used this image as a base image for the project which in a descendant folder.

The -f flag does not solved my problem because my onbuild image looks for a file in a folder and had to call like this:

-f foo/bar/Dockerfile foo/bar

instead of

-f foo/bar/Dockerfile .

Also note that this is only solution for some cases as -f flag