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docker build with --build-arg with multiple arguments

People also ask

How do I pass args to Dockerfile build?

If you want to pass multiple build arguments with docker build command you have to pass each argument with separate — build-arg. docker build -t <image-name>:<tag> --build-arg <key1>=<value1> --build-arg <key2>=<value2> .

Can we use ARG and ENV together?

You can use ARG values to set ENV values to work around that. ENV values are available to containers, but also RUN-style commands during the Docker build starting with the line where they are introduced.

Can a project have multiple Dockerfiles?

As Kingsley Uchnor said, you can have multiple Dockerfile , one per directory, which represent something you want to build.

Can a Dockerfile have multiple commands?

There can only be one CMD instruction in a Dockerfile. If you list more than one CMD then only the last CMD will take effect. If CMD is used to provide default arguments for the ENTRYPOINT instruction, both the CMD and ENTRYPOINT instructions should be specified with the JSON array format.

Use --build-arg with each argument.

If you are passing two argument then add --build-arg with each argument like:

docker build \
-t essearch/ess-elasticsearch:1.7.6 \
--build-arg number_of_shards=5 \
--build-arg number_of_replicas=2 \
--no-cache .

The above answer by pl_rock is correct, the only thing I would add is to expect the ARG inside the Dockerfile if not you won't have access to it. So if you are doing

docker build -t essearch/ess-elasticsearch:1.7.6 --build-arg number_of_shards=5 --build-arg number_of_replicas=2 --no-cache .

Then inside the Dockerfile you should add

ARG number_of_replicas
ARG number_of_shards

I was running into this problem, so I hope I help someone (myself) in the future.

If you want to use environment variable during build. Lets say setting username and password.

username= Ubuntu
password= swed24sw


FROM ubuntu:16.04
# Creates a new User
RUN useradd -ms /bin/bash $SMB_USER
# Enters the password twice.
RUN echo "$SMB_PASS\n$SMB_PASS" | smbpasswd -a $SMB_USER

Terminal Command

docker build --build-arg SMB_PASS=swed24sw --build-arg SMB_USER=Ubuntu . -t IMAGE_TAG

It's a shame that we need multiple ARG too, it results in multiple layers and slows down the build because of that, and for anyone also wondering that, currently there is no way to set multiple ARGs per one line.

In case you want to pass automatically build arguments from a specific file, you can do it this way :

docker build  $(cat .my-env-file-name | while read line; do out+="--build-arg $line"; done; echo $out; out="") .