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what is the difference between @Bean annotation and @Component annotation at Spring?

It might be a very simple question for you.But I read lots of documents and I am totally confused.We can use @Component instead of @Bean or @Bean instead of @Component(as well as @Repository @Service @Controller) ?


like image 584
Tonyukuk Avatar asked Aug 01 '18 10:08


2 Answers


@Component also for @Service and @Repository are used to auto-detect and auto-configure beans using classpath scanning.

As long as these classes are in under our base package or Spring is aware of another package to scan, a new bean will be created for each of these classes

Bean and Component are mapped as one to one i.e one bean per Class.

These annotations (@Component, @Service, @Repository) are Class level annotations.


Lets Say we have a UserService Class which contains all methods for User Operation.

public class UserService {

    private UserRepository userRepository;

    public User findByUsername( String username ) throws UsernameNotFoundException {
        User u = userRepository.findByUsername( username );
        return u;

    public List<User> findAll() throws AccessDeniedException {
        List<User> result = userRepository.findAll();
        return result;

Spring will create a Bean for UserService and we can use this at multiple location/classes.


@Bean is used to declare a single bean, rather than letting Spring do it automatically as in case of Component.

It decouples the declaration of the bean from the class definition, and lets you create and configure beans exactly how you choose.

@Bean are used at method level and can be configured as required


@EnableGlobalMethodSecurity(prePostEnabled = true)
public class WebSecurityConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {

    public SpringTemplateEngine springTemplateEngine()
        SpringTemplateEngine templateEngine = new SpringTemplateEngine();
        return templateEngine;

    public SpringResourceTemplateResolver htmlTemplateResolver()
        SpringResourceTemplateResolver emailTemplateResolver = new SpringResourceTemplateResolver();
        return emailTemplateResolver;


Read more about Stereotype Annotations here.

like image 139
MyTwoCents Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 21:09


@Bean is used to define a method as a producer, which tells Spring to use that method to retrieve an object of the method return type and inject that object as a dependency whenever it's required.

@Component is used to define a class as a Spring component, which tells Spring to create an object (if it's Singleton) from and take care of it's lifecycle and dependencies and inject that object whenever it's required.

@Service and @Repository are basically just like @Component and AFAIK they are just for better grouping of your components.

@Service for Defining your service classes where you have your business logic, and @Repository for Defining your repository classes where you interact with an underlying system like database.

like image 42
chubock Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 21:09
