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What is the difference between ASP.NET Identity and IdentityServer?

I can not understand the difference between the two, ASP.NET Identy is based on OWIN and does not introduce a middleware while IdentityServer introduced him, I'm confused ..

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Sergio Dalla Valle Avatar asked Jan 30 '17 11:01

Sergio Dalla Valle

People also ask

What is the difference between identity and identity server?

Identity Server is a centralized OAuth/OIDC token server. Identity is an API for managing user accounts. Identity Server might use Identity to manage accounts.

What is an IdentityServer?

IdentityServer is an authentication server that implements OpenID Connect (OIDC) and OAuth 2.0 standards for ASP.NET Core. It's designed to provide a common way to authenticate requests to all of your applications, whether they're web, native, mobile, or API endpoints.

What is ASP NET identity?

ASP.NET Identity is Microsoft's user management library for ASP.NET. It includes functionality such as password hashing, password validation, user storage, and claims management. It usually also comes with some basic authentication, bringing its own cookies and multi-factor authentication to the party.

What is ASP Net Identity in MVC?

ASP.NET Identity is the membership system for authentication and authorization of the users by building an ASP.NET application. The ASP.NET Identity is a fresh look at what the membership system should be when you are building modern applications for the web, phone or tablet.

1 Answers

ASP.NET Identity is a user store/identity management library. It includes some OWIN helper classes to hook into the OWIN security middleware, but otherwise has nothing to do with authentication.

IdentityServer is an OpenID Connect provider, that acts as a central authentication server for multiple applications. It has nothing to do with user storage or identity management.

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Scott Brady Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 00:09

Scott Brady