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What is the default editor for git on windows, and where is the executable?

I just have the official git for windows 2.7.2 installed on my new windows. When I executed git commit on PowerShell without -m, I found the default editor is accidentally handy. So I would like to use it outside git, by adding it to the PATH environment variable, but I don't know its name.

I'm not sure if the editor is from any other environments, since it's a new win10 system I just installed PuTTY and MinGW.

I have checked git config --global core.editor and other git setting files but the editor entry is always empty.

Could anyone tell me how to use whatever that editor is outside git commit?

like image 474
steven Avatar asked Oct 18 '22 13:10


1 Answers

I believe it's Vim.

(It was on my PC)

Although, I suspect it's entirely dependent on your system.

like image 65
Harmelodic Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 05:11
