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What is the correct way to create a Javascript class?

I'm trying to figure out how to construct my Javascript classes (or singleton objects) correctly.

var obj = new Object();
obj.foo = 'bar';
obj.method = function() { ...}

var obj = {
    foo : 'bar',
    method : function() { ...}

var obj = function(){}
obj.prototype = {
    foo : 'bar',
    method: function() { ... }

I want to be able to set a couple of properties and assign the methods available. I would also like to be able to use things like mixins on the objects so I can extend these objects with things like events.

like image 863
Xeoncross Avatar asked May 26 '12 21:05


2 Answers

I'm trying to figure out how to construct my Javascript classes (or singleton objects) correctly.

There's a big difference between those ("classes" and singleton objects). Your first couple of examples are one-off objects (singletons). Your third (last) example creates a constructor function that will allow you to create multiple objects sharing the same prototype. I would recommend augmenting the prototype property on the constructor function rather than replacing it as you're doing, e.g.:

var Thingy = function() {   // Or use a function declaration rather than expression
    // Optional initialization code here
Thingy.prototype.foo = 'bar';
Thingy.prototype.method = function() {
    // Method code here

(Constructor functions, by convention, start with an upper case letter.)

Which you use (singleton or constructor function) depends on what you need.

As of ES2015 (aka "ES6"), it's simpler, although there's no new syntax for defining a non-method prototype property (your foo); there probably will be in ES2017 or ES2018, once this proposal moves forward, but until then:

class Thingy {
    constructor() {
        // Optional initialization code here
    method() {
    // Method code here
Thingy.prototype.foo = 'bar';

If you need to get into inheritance hierarchies, in the old ES5 syntax there's a fair bit of plumbing involved:

var Base = function() {
Base.prototype.method = function(arg1) {
    // ...

var Derived = function() {
Derived.prototype = Object.create(Base.prototype);
Derived.prototype.constructor = Derived;
Derived.prototype.method = function(arg1) {
    // Using Base's `method`, if desired, is a bit ugly:
    Base.prototype.method.call(this, arg1);

...which is why you used to see libraries stepping in, like Prototype's Class stuff, or my own Lineage; those are outdated by ES2015 syntax, though, whcih makes it downright easy:

class Base {
    method(arg1) {
        // ...
class Derived extends Base {
    method(arg1) {
        // Use's the superclass's `method`, if desired, is easy:

Re the title of your question:

What is the correct way to create a Javascript class?

There are several equally-correct ways to create "classes" of objects in JavaScript, because JavaScript is a very flexible language. There are standard constructor functions, "builder" functions, Object.create (on ES5-enabled environments) which lets you do more direct prototypical inheritance, and several others. One of the great things about JavaScript is that you get to choose your style of "class".

like image 123
T.J. Crowder Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 16:11

T.J. Crowder

you can also use something like:

function O(x,y) {
   this.method=function() {...}
   return this;

var o=new O(0,0);
like image 36
neu-rah Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 14:11
