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What is the best way to iterate over a python list, excluding certain values and printing out the result




I am new to python and have a question:
I have checked similar questions, checked the tutorial dive into python, checked the python documentation, googlebinging, similar Stack Overflow questions and a dozen other tutorials.
I have a section of python code that reads a text file containing 20 tweets. I am able to extract these 20 tweets using the following code:

with open ('output.txt') as fp:
    for line in iter(fp.readline,''):   
    while i < len(data):                         
        print data[i] 

The above while loop iterates perfectly and prints out the 20 tweets (lines) from output.txt. However, these 20 lines contain Non-English Character data like "Los ladillo a los dos, soy maaaala o maloooooooooooo", URLs like "http://t.co/57LdpK", the string "None" and Photos with a URL like so "Photo: http://t.co/kxpaaaaa(I have edited this for privacy)

I would like to purge the output of this (which is a list), and exclude the following:

  1. The None entries
  2. Anything beginning with the string "Photo:"
  3. It would be a bonus also if I can exclude non-unicode data

I have tried the following bits of code

  1. Using data.remove("None:") but I get the error list.remove(x): x not in list.
  2. Reading the items I do not want into a set and then doing a comparison on the output but no luck.
  3. Researching into list comprehensions, but wonder if I am looking at the right solution here.

I am from an Oracle background where there are functions to chop out any wanted/unwanted section of output, so really gone round in circles in the last 2 hours on this. Any help greatly appreciated!

like image 838
Allan.B Avatar asked Feb 17 '23 13:02


1 Answers

Try something like this:

def legit(string):
    if (string.startswith("Photo:") or "None" in string):
        return False
        return True

whatyouwant = [x for x in data if legit(x)]

I'm not sure if this will work out of the box for your data, but you get the idea. If you're not familiar, [x for x in data if legit(x)] is called a list comprehension

like image 186
mrKelley Avatar answered Apr 28 '23 13:04
