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What is the best way to exit a function (which has no return value) in python before the function ends (e.g. a check fails)?

People also ask

What happens if you don't return a value from a function in Python?

If a function doesn't specify a return value, it returns None . In an if/then conditional statement, None evaluates to False.

What will return a Python function without return?

In Python, it is possible to compose a function without a return statement. Functions like this are called void, and they return None, Python's special object for "nothing".

What does the exit () do in Python?

exit() method is used to terminate the process with the specified status. We can use this method without flushing buffers or calling any cleanup handlers. After writing the above code (python os. exit() function), the output will appear as a “ 0 1 2 “.

How do you exit 0 in Python?

The function calls exit(0) and exit(1) are used to reveal the status of the termination of a Python program. The call exit(0) indicates successful execution of a program whereas exit(1) indicates some issue/error occurred while executing a program.

You could simply use


which does exactly the same as

return None

Your function will also return None if execution reaches the end of the function body without hitting a return statement. Returning nothing is the same as returning None in Python.

I would suggest:

def foo(element):
    do something
    if not check: return
    do more (because check was succesful)
    do much much more...

you can use the return statement without any parameter to exit a function

def foo(element):
    do something
    if check is true:
        do more (because check was succesful)
    do much much more...

or raise an exception if you want to be informed of the problem

def foo(element):
    do something
    if check is true:
        do more (because check was succesful)
        raise Exception("cause of the problem")
    do much much more...

  1. return None or return can be used to exit out of a function or program, both does the same thing
  2. quit() function can be used, although use of this function is discouraged for making real world applications and should be used only in interpreter.
    import site
    def func():
  1. exit() function can be used, similar to quit() but the use is discouraged for making real world applications.
import site
    def func():
  1. sys.exit([arg]) function can be used and need to import sys module for that, this function can be used for real world applications unlike the other two functions.
import sys 
  height = 150
if height < 165: # in cm 
    # exits the program 
    sys.exit("Height less than 165")     
    print("You ride the rollercoaster.") 
  1. os._exit(n) function can be used to exit from a process, and need to import os module for that.