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what is the best way to avoid duplication on this code




i have the following methods:

    public  int CountProperty1
            int count = 0;
            foreach (var row in Data)
                count = count + row.Property1;
            return count ;

    public  int CountProperty2
            int count = 0;
            foreach (var row in Data)
                count = count + row.Property2;
            return count ;

what is the best way to avoid duplication here and share as much code as possible

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leora Avatar asked Dec 22 '22 10:12


2 Answers

How about using LINQ and the Sum extension method ?

public int CountProperty1 
    get { return Data.Sum(r => r.Property1); }

In case that is not an option, you can refactor out the logic into your own sum method:

public  int CountProperty1
        return CountProperty(r => r.Property1);

public  int CountProperty2
        return CountProperty(r => r.Property2);

private int CountProperty(Func<Row,int> countSelector)
     int count = 0;
     foreach (var row in Data)
         count = count + countSelector(row);
     return count ;

Note about the last example: I made up the "Row" type, as it was not evident from your example. Substitute with the proper type.

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driis Avatar answered Jan 14 '23 14:01


Probably not the answer you are looking for, but this is not necessarily duplication. There is a misunderstanding sometimes that if two different functions happen look the same, they should be refactored to remove the duplicate. In my humble opinion, THIS IS WRONG.

It is only dupliction if they are truly replication and identicial or near-identical concept. For it to be duplication (at least duplication that should be removed), it's not just that they happen to use the same code, but that the use the same code for the same reason.

It may just be because of the sample you posted, but it was simple enough. Despite the fact that the implemention of the two properties was identical, there must be some valid business reason that you have those two properties, otherwise the simplest answer is to remove the second property all together. However, if you really have two properties, and they just happen to look the same now, that doesn't mean they they won't diverge in functionility in the future (and that is OK).

The idea is to minimize complexity and maintenence cost. You can only do that if your code makes sense and models reality, but not if it introduces false comparisons by lumping together things that just happen to look similar.


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Mike Mooney Avatar answered Jan 14 '23 12:01

Mike Mooney