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What is the best Visual Studio Plugin for Printing Code [closed]

Some of the features I think it must include are:

  1. Print Entire Solution
  2. Ability to print line numbers
  3. Proper choice of coding font and size to improve readability
  4. Nice Header Information
  5. Ability to print regions collapsed

Couple feature additions:

  1. Automatically insert page breaks after methods/classes
  2. Keep long lines readable (nearly all current implementations are broken)

Note: There are many reasons to need to print code... One very good one is escrow.

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mrbradleyt Avatar asked Sep 09 '08 13:09


People also ask

How do I keep my VS Code always on top?

Once you've opened Visual Studio Code, just press alt + space and the system menu will appear, then you just have to select the Always on top option.

2 Answers

I use PrettyCode.Print for .NET. It does everything on your list, and more. (I use it for printing code excerpts for copyright registration paperwork, which is similar to your escrow case.)

It is a little slow to open a really big solution, but not unbearably so, and the output quality is excellent.

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McKenzieG1 Avatar answered Oct 31 '22 00:10


Try StarPrint's VSNETcodePrint

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Gulzar Nazim Avatar answered Oct 31 '22 00:10

Gulzar Nazim