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What is the best strategy for loading properties? [closed]

I have several classes that need to load some properties files, and I was wondering what are the best practices to accomplish this. I thought of two basic approaches:

  • Hardcode the properties file name in each class, and then use the Properties class to load from a FileInputStream, which can be problematic if someone decides to change the name of the properties file, as it is hardcoded in the code.

    public class A {
        public A() {
            Properties p = new Properties().load(
                    new FileInputStream("properties/Aconfig.properties"));
            String value = p.getProperty("key", "");
  • Create a method that, given a class name, loads a properties file that has the same name as the class. Though this approach doesn't require to hardcode the properties file name, it does require that we follow some convention in naming the files, which can cause confusion.

    public class A {
        public A() {
            Properties p = PropertiesHelper.loadFromClassName(A.class.getName());
            // here, we **assume** that there is a A.properties file in the classpath.

However, there may be many other more elegant approaches, and that's why I posed these questions: i) What are the best practices for loading properties files in Java?; ii) Do you use any helper class that takes care of the job?; iii) Where (in the code) do you typically load the properties file?

Also, is it OK for a class to "auto-load" its properties? Or should I pass the arguments that I need to the constructor ? The problem of passing the arguments, is that there are way too many for some classes (~20, which represent parameters in a statistical model).

like image 742
João Silva Avatar asked Aug 04 '09 22:08

João Silva

2 Answers

The best practice would be to use some kind of dependency injection container - for example Spring Framework or Google Guice.

It solves all kinds of problems - you don't tie your class to particular property file name, you don't have to worry about loading said properties within that class and handle possible exceptions, and you don't have to pass 30 property file names as command line arguments (or system properties).

It also helps with many, many other things in addition to property loading :-) - try it, and you'll wonder how you ever lived without.

Update: Incidentally, your other question is also one of those things that Spring would take care of.

Update #2: I just realized I've already tried to push Spring on you :-) At the risk of repeating myself, Spring would really help with abstraction here. Depending on what you store in your property files you may not need them at all (if they deal with configuration) or you will get a very nice API for dealing with them (if they're resource bundles or something similar) .

like image 195
ChssPly76 Avatar answered Dec 28 '22 10:12


Have several places for a properties files and load them (one after another) into a single Properties object. This scheme allow a mapping to have a default value that can then be overridden at several points.

like image 21
Itay Maman Avatar answered Dec 28 '22 12:12

Itay Maman