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How to throttle login attemps in Java webapp?

I want to implement an efficient mechanism to throttle login attemps in my Java web application, to prevent brute-force attacks on user accounts.

Jeff explained the why, but not the how.

Simon Willison showed an implementation in Python for Django: That doesn't really help me along as I can't use memcached nor Django.

Porting his ideas from scratch doesn't seem like a great either - I don't want to reinvent the wheel.

I found one Java implementation, though it seems rather naiive: Instead of a LRU cache, it just clears all entries after 15 minutes.

EHCache could be an alternative for memcached, but I don't have any experience with it and don't really want to intoduce yet another technology if there are better alternatives for this task.

So, whats a good way to implement login throttling in Java?

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Jörn Zaefferer Avatar asked Jan 19 '09 13:01

Jörn Zaefferer

3 Answers

I think even EHCache is killing a fly with a napalm bomb. The problem is simple and so is the implementation.

I suggest using a servlet filter a the top level so that as little processing as possible is done.

Create a class to store the following:

  • The number of attempts (count)
  • The time

Now, the code is simple in a sunchronized block:

if userid not in attemptMap:
    attemptMap.add ( userid, new attemptItem ( userid, 1, now ) )
    tmp = attemptMap.get ( userid )
    if (acquire lock for tmp) :
      if tmp.time + 30 > now :
          tmp.count = 0
          tmp.time = now
      if tmp.count > 3 :
      release lock for tmp
    else : error=true

thats it man (as long as the code is synchronized).

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Loki Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 12:11


I've just completed the web security course run by aspect security and one of the suggestions that came out of that was to just include a natural delay in any login attempt - the theory being that a 1 or 2 second delay is nothing to a real-user but will seriously hamper brute force attacks.

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tddmonkey Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 12:11


One that hasn't been mentioned is make them answer forgotten password question(s) after so many bad attempts + enter their password

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Element Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 12:11
