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What is the best solution for storing ASP.NET session variables? StateServer or SQLServer?

StateServer or SQLServer?

  • What is the best solution for storing ASP.NET session variables?
  • What are the pros and cons of each?
  • Are one better then other in any particular situation?
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Daniel Silveira Avatar asked Oct 22 '08 00:10

Daniel Silveira

People also ask

What are the pros of StateServer session mode?

What is/are the advantages of StateServer session mode? a. Its keeps the data separate from IIS so; if any Issue comes with IIS it will not hamper Session data.

What is the mode of storing ASP.NET session?

InProc mode, which stores session state in memory on the Web server. This is the default. StateServer mode, which stores session state in a separate process called the ASP.NET state service.

Which is the best session state mode?

The InProc Session State Mode stores session data in a memory object in the application worker process (aspnet_wp.exe) in the application domain. It is usually the fastest, but more session data means more memory is used on the web server, and that can affect performance.

Which session mode is the most secure?

Secure Session-State Configuration The session-state feature is enabled by default. While the default configuration settings are set to the most secure values, you should disable session state if it is not required for your application.

2 Answers

Here's some thoughts about pro's/con's. I've also added Microsoft Velocity Distributed Caching solution.

Pros for InProc

  • Fastest optional available (it's all in memory/ram)
  • Easy to setup (nothing new required in the .config file .. i think this is the default behavior).
  • Most people I believe use this.

Cons for InProc

  • If the web site (application pool) dies, then all session info is lost.
  • Doesn't work in a WebFarm scenario -> session information is per app pool only.
  • Cannot contain non-session information.

Pro's for a StateServer

  • In memory/ram, so it's fast (but has some net latency .. read below), so it might not be as fast as Inproc.
  • Default configuration for a web farm scenario. Multiple iis sites use a stateserver to control the state session info.

Con's for StateServer

  • Requires the ASP.NET StateServer service to be set to run.
  • StateServer requires some config tweaking to accept 'remote iis machine' requests.
  • There's some tiny tiny net latency if the iis request needs to grab/set the session info on another networked machine.
  • Cannot contain non-session information.

Pro's for SqlServer (as a state server)

  • State is always retained, even after the iis site restarts.

Con's for SqlServer (as a state server)

  • Slowest solution -> net latency AND hard-drive latency (as the sql server stores the state on the harddisk / reads from the harddisk).
  • Hardest to setup/configure.
  • Cannot contain non-session information

Pro's for Velocity (or other distributed caching systems)

  • Can handle more than just session information -> objects, application settings, cache, etc. (This is a very GOOD thing IMO!!)
  • Can be memory only or persist to a database.
  • If one 'node' fails, the system still works. (assuming there's 2+ caching nodes)

Con's for Velocity (or other distributed caching systems)

  • Generally cost $$$
  • Hardest to setup (have to install stuff, tweak configs, add extra specal code).
  • Has network latency (which is generally nothing) but could have hard disk latency IF the service is persisting the data (eg. to a Sql Server).
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Pure.Krome Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 20:09


I think the assumption would be that you are using a web farm of some sort.

One use of state service is in a Web Garden (multiple worker-processes on the same machine). In this case, you can use load-balancing to keep a user's connection going to a particular server, and have the n worker processes all sharing the same state service.

EDIT: In the web garden + state service or sql server scenario, you also have the benefit of being able to recycle the worker processes on that machine w/o the connected clients losing their session.

I'm not as familiar with using SQL Server as a session state store, but I would think you would gain robustness by using an SQL Server in a cluster. In this case, you could still have multiple worker processes and multiple servers, but you would not have to use a sticky session (server affinity).

And one more note, you can use state service on a second machine, and have all server in the farm hit that machine, but you would then have a single point of failure.

And finally, there are 3rd party (and some home-grown) distributed state-service-like applications. Some of these have performance benefits over the other options, plus Session_End event will actually fire. (In both State Service and SQL Server session backing, there the Session_End in Global.asax will not fire (there may be a way of hooking into SQL Server)).

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oglester Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 20:09
