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AngularJS: route provider changes "/" into %2F [duplicate]

I am building an AngularJS appplication and I have problems with the URL when building the second view:

My appContact.js looks like this:

(function () {

    "use strict";

    var app = angular.module("appContacts", ["simpleControls", "ngRoute"])
        .config(function ($routeProvider, $locationProvider) {

            $routeProvider.when("/", {
                controller: "contactsController",
                controllerAs: "vm",
                templateUrl: "/views/contactsView.html"

            $routeProvider.when("/details/:firstName", {
                controller: "contactsDetailsController",
                controllerAs: "vm",
                templateUrl: "/views/detailsView.html"

            $routeProvider.otherwise({ redirectTo: "/"});

                enabled: true,
                requireBase: false


In my HTML I have this link:

<a asp-controller="Contact" asp-action="Details" ng-href="#/details/{{contact.firstName}}" >{{ contact.firstName}}</a>

When I hover in the Browser I have the correct proposed link like:


But when I click the link to navigate to the new page the URL changes to


Changing the "/" by %2 make the app fail and a blank page is shown.

Do you know why is this and how to correct this issue?

I have already read similar posts her but none of them seems to work since I have not access to the encoded URL before it reaches the Browser and the error is there.



like image 841
Rafael Munoz Avatar asked Aug 12 '16 08:08

Rafael Munoz

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1 Answers

May this one will help you.

include $locationProvider.hashPrefix(''); in your config.

            <a href ="#/table">table</a>
            <a href ="#/addPage">addForm</a>

        app.config(function($routeProvider, $locationProvider) {
         $routeProvider.when("/addPage", {

                           templateUrl :"partials/add.html",
                           controller : "ngRepeatTableCtrl"

                      .when("/tablePage", {

                           templateUrl :"partials/table.html",
                           controller : "ngRepeatTableCtrl"
                             templateUrl :"partials/table.html",
                             controller : "ngRepeatTableCtrl"


like image 90
Himanshu Shekhar Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 03:10

Himanshu Shekhar