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What is the analogue of mvn dependency:tree in Ivy?


How could one view the dependency tree (along with the transitive dependencies) and the reasoning for them being included, or excluded from the build?

In Maven one can do it like:

mvn dependency:tree -Ddebug

From what I understand, Ivy can produce dependency reports in an XML/HTML format, but it doesn't seem to be the same. (Correct me, if I am wrong).

Also, is this kind of thing available from the standalone Ivy (not being invoked from within an Ant context)?


like image 921
carlspring Avatar asked Feb 21 '13 12:02


People also ask

What will the mvn dependency tree?

A project's dependency tree can be filtered to locate specific dependencies. For example, to find out why Velocity is being used by the Maven Dependency Plugin, we can execute the following in the project's directory: mvn dependency:tree -Dincludes=velocity:velocity.

How do I find my mvn dependency tree?

How to get the Maven Dependency Tree of a Project. We can run mvn dependency:tree command in the terminal to print the project dependency tree. For our example, I will be using the Mockito Tutorial project. You can download the project from the GitHub repository.

What is Ivy dependency management?

Ivy is a dependency manager -- it manages and controls the JAR files that your project depends on. If you don't have the JARs, it will pull them down for you by default (from the Maven 2 repository), which can make project setup a lot easier.

How do I run a Maven dependency tree in eclipse?

Download the Maven index Via the Maven index, you can search for dependencies, select them and add them to your pom file. To download the index, select Windows > Preferences > Maven and enable the Download repository index updates on startup option. After changing this setting, restart Eclipse.

2 Answers

Take a look at <ivy:report>. This will create a HTML based report of the dependencies, and it will also create a graphml file that you can use yed to produce a report, or create a dot file and use graphviz.

like image 165
David W. Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 15:09

David W.

Have a look at <ivy:dependencytree /> that will display the dependency tree in the console.

like image 28
Frederic Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 15:09
