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What is the alternative method for the "self.isTouchEnabled " in Cocos2d 2.0?

When I use the

self.isTouchEnabled = YES

in Cocos2d v2.0 for the layer could be touched,the Xcode give me a tip:

setIsTouchEnabled: is deprecated

Now, I just want to know alternative method for isTouchEnabled.

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Vienta Avatar asked Jan 13 '13 14:01


2 Answers

Here is new code:

    self.touchEnabled = YES; //In Cocos2d 2.0      self.userInteractionEnabled = YES; //In Cocos2d 3.0 

Just wondering why genius people(Cocos2d team) doing this kind of silly change!

But this one is the right call to setup touch in Cocos2d 2.x and above !!!

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Guru Avatar answered Nov 22 '22 07:11


It seems the setIsTouchEnabled is located in "CCDeprecated.h" now.

The following method is in the current "CCLayer.h":

[self setTouchEnabled:YES] 
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John McCormick Avatar answered Nov 22 '22 06:11

John McCormick