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What is subclassing?

I am new to java and I am trying to create an XML document and clone a specific node (minus the textnode) of this document over and over again. Someone answered me and said that I should subclass the node and override the cloning. So my question is what is sub-classing?

like image 755
codenamejupiterx Avatar asked Feb 22 '11 00:02


1 Answers

Subclassing means to define a new class that has the properties of an old class (the "superclass") with some changes.

In this case, your original responder is saying something like this:

Say you have a base class Base which has a method getTwo like so:

class Base {
   public int getTwo(){ return 2;}

You decide you want a new class that still have a method getTwo but that returns the string "two" instead of the number 2. You could define it as

class Subclass extends Base {
   public String getTwo() { return "two"; }

We say Subclass is a subclass of -- or more commonly, "is a kind of" -- Base.

Beyond that, you'd be best off to read a book on object-oriented programming with Java. I'm fond of Thinking in Java, which has the added advantage that it's available freely on line.

like image 51
Charlie Martin Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 00:10

Charlie Martin