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Web Search API that permits automated queries [closed]

Are there any web search APIs or search engines that allow automated queries?

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PB_MLT Avatar asked Apr 07 '10 10:04


People also ask

Can you automate Google searches?

Google's Terms of Service don't allow the sending of automated queries of any sort to our system without express permission in advance from Google.

Does Google provide a search API?

The Search Console API provides programmatic access to the most popular reports and actions in your Search Console account. Query your search analytics, list your verified sites, manage your sitemaps for your site, and more. Official Google Search updates and SEO best practices.

What is Web search API?

Web search APIs allow developers to add search capabilities into their websites and applications to return the information that is most relevant to the user query.

What are automated queries?

What is an automated query? An automated query is a request that is sent to a computer, server, an application, or any other device but is typically generated from software like a daemon, processes or services, malware, viruses, or ordinary computer software.

1 Answers

Engines that offer paid service terms:

  • Gigablast

Engines that offer limited free service:

  • Google (100 per day)
  • Bingᴿ (5,000 per month)

Engines that offer free service:

  • FAROOᴿ
  • YaCy (P2P)

ᴿ Registration required

Deprecated, obsolete, or no longer exist:

  • DuckDuckGo
  • Yahoo
  • AltaVista
  • DogPile
  • Ask.com
  • Ixquick
  • ScrubTheWeb (uses CAPTCHA)
  • Blekko
  • Yahoo! BOSS
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Dave Jarvis Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 16:10

Dave Jarvis