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What is Reverse Merge ( Revert Merge ) in SVN, a simple explanation and the step by step processes from start to finish


What is Reverse Merge ( Revert Merge ) in SVN, a simple explanation and the step by step processes from start to finish would be great.

Can someone give me the the processes, numbered if you can. And a good and simple example would be great too.

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Nahser Bakht Avatar asked Oct 22 '13 19:10

Nahser Bakht

People also ask

What is reverse merge in SVN?

Reverse merge In SVN SVN will keep common file contents in working copy from the specific revision of file and HEAD revision of working copy. if it is folder level. In SVN reverse merge, if not file found in the specific revision, it keeps the working copy as it is.

What does SVN merge do?

This basic syntax— svn merge URL —tells Subversion to merge all changes which have not been previously merged from the URL to the current working directory (which is typically the root of your working copy).

How do I undo a merge in SVN?

You can use svn merge to “undo” the change in your working copy, and then commit the local modification to the repository. All you need to do is to specify a reverse difference. (You can do this by specifying --revision 392:391 , or by an equivalent --change -392 .) $ svn merge ^/calc/trunk .

1 Answers

From Tortoise User Guide:

If you want to merge changes back out of your working copy, to revert a change which has already been committed, select the revisions to revert and make sure the Reverse merge box is checked.

From my point of view a reverse merge is a "normal" commit which represents an "anti"-commit to one or more former commits. The former commit will still exist, but the changes become reverted through new "anti"-commit.

like image 58
Micha Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 20:10
