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Opposite of HEX() in SQLite?


I have this simple query that returns a bunch of guids as hexadecimal strings:

SELECT HEX(guid) FROM table;

One of them is for instance 43F4124307108902B7A919F4D4D0770D. Then imagine I want to get the record with this guid, so I write a query like this:

SELECT * FROM table WHERE guid = '43F4124307108902B7A919F4D4D0770D';

Of course, this will not work, since the string is directly interpreted as a blob and not converted to it's hex value. I looked here, but couldn't find anything that looks like a method that takes a hexadecimal string and converts it to a blob.

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Erik B Avatar asked Nov 05 '13 08:11

Erik B

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1 Answers

While writing the question I found the answer. I simply had to add an X before the string. Like this:

SELECT * FROM table WHERE guid = X'43F4124307108902B7A919F4D4D0770D';

I figured I should post the question anyway, since non of the "Similar Questions" answers this. What I was looking for was not a function, but a literal and when I realized this I quickly found the answer here.

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Erik B Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 10:09

Erik B