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what is require.resolve in webpack loader test



I am learning this imports-loader on webpack. I've already built several webpack demo projects by following tutorials.

Here is the code to configure imports-loader:

// ./webpack.config.js

module.exports = {
    module: {
        loaders: [
                test: require.resolve("some-module"),
                loader: "imports?this=>window"

My questions:

  1. Normally, the "test" should be a regex expression. What is the require.resolve("some-module") here? what does it mean?
like image 328
Nicolas S.Xu Avatar asked Jun 29 '16 17:06

Nicolas S.Xu

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1 Answers

require.resolve("<moduleName>") returns string which contains path to the module, for example

> require.resolve('angular')

so in your example property test will contain string with path to the module some-module, by default webpack converts string to the regular expression so final version of loader config will be something like this:

  test: /^node_modules\/some-module\/index.js/,
  loader: 'imports?this=>window"

as you can see this loader will be applied only for one file

like image 186
maksimr Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 04:10
