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What is recommended for monitoring traffic to my asp.net application

I have a asp.net 3.5 application hosted on IIS 7.0. I'm looking for a comprehensive system to monitor traffic, down to page level minimum. Does .net have any specific tools or is it better to write my own, or what systems/software is freely available to use


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Stuart Avatar asked Mar 01 '23 18:03


1 Answers

Use Google Analytics. Its a small piece of Javascript code that is inserted before the tag. Its based on Urchin analytics tracking software which Google bought. They've been doing this for a long long time.

As long as your site is referenced using a fully qualified domain name, Google Analytics can track what you need. It's got lots of flexibility with the filter mechanism as well (let's you rewrite URLs based on query string parameters, etc.)

LOTS of functionality and well thought out as well as a pretty good API if you need to do tracking on things other than clicks.

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Jay Stevens Avatar answered Mar 05 '23 16:03

Jay Stevens