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What is process.env.BASE_URL in vue js?



When I manually selected presets when installing vue using vue cli. I stumbled upon process.env.BASE_URL. I was tryng to find it in the internet but to no avail, I can't find any decent explanation. Here's the code.

const router = new VueRouter({
  mode: 'history',
  base: process.env.BASE_URL,
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Errol Paleracio Avatar asked Nov 05 '19 02:11

Errol Paleracio

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What is env file in VUE JS?

This is a quick tutorial on how to create and access environment variables in Vue 3 with a dotenv ( . env ) file. Vue 3 apps built with Vite support dotenv environment variables out of the box, so all you need to do is add a . env file to the root folder of your Vue project.

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In Node. js, process. env is a global variable that is injected during runtime. It is a view of the state of the system environment variables. When we set an environment variable, it is loaded into process.

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You can access it from process. env. NODE_ENV . This variable changes based on what mode you are currently in.

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The CLI ( @vue/cli ) is a globally installed npm package and provides the vue command in your terminal. It provides the ability to quickly scaffold a new project via vue create . You can also manage your projects using a graphical user interface via vue ui .

1 Answers

the documentation is here https://cli.vuejs.org/guide/mode-and-env.html#environment-variables

It has a system of cascading files that will determine enviroment variables for your app. The main file being a .env

The BASE_URL is semi arbitary, you could introduce your own BASE_ROUTER_URL variable if you wanted

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Keith Nicholas Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 16:09

Keith Nicholas