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Using Vuetify classes within SASS

I would like to use some of the existing Vuetify classes in my own sass file, but I can't seem to figure out how to do it. I have a Vue-CLI3 project with the latest Vue/Vuetify, and have the following code:


@import '~vuetify/src/styles/styles.sass'

  @extend .mr-1
  @extend .shrink

I also have the vue.config.js setup to correctly reference the sass/scss files:

export default {
  css: {
    loaderOptions: {
      sass: {
        data: `@import "path/to/main.sass"`
      scss: {
        data: `@import "path/to/main.scss";`

When I compile, I get The target selector was not found, and it points to .mr-1 and .shrink. Am I doing this incorrectly?

All other CSS in my main.sass file works as expected, so I believe the wiring is correct.

like image 370
ekjcfn3902039 Avatar asked Sep 20 '19 14:09


People also ask

Does Vuetify need SASS?

Vuetify uses SASS/SCSS to craft the style and appearance of all aspects of the framework. Utilizing the sass/scss data option of your vue. config. js file, you can optionally pass in custom variables to overwrite the global defaults.

How do I override Vuetify SASS?

You can override the Sass variables only there where you import the stylesheet using those. If you eg. import (directly or transitively) ~vuetify/src/components/VBtn/_variables. scss into your global stylesheet and then in your component (a separate stylesheet) you want to change $btn-text-transform , it won't work.

Can you use SASS with Vue?

Vue CLI projects come with support for PostCSS, CSS Modules and pre-processors including Sass, Less and Stylus.

1 Answers

It seems the spacing helper classes (including .mr-1) are only found when importing vuetify/src/styles/main.sass instead of styles.sass. The .shrink class is found in vuetify/src/components/VGrid/_grid.sass.

So your main.sass should look like this:

@import '~vuetify/src/styles/main.sass'
@import '~vuetify/src/components/VGrid/_grid.sass' // for .shrink

  @extend .mr-1
  @extend .shrink

sass-loader config

The original question is probably using an older version of sass-loader, given the sass.data config. If using version 8 or newer, the loader option is sass.additionalData:

// vue.config.js
module.exports = {
  css: {
    loaderOptions: {
      sass: {
        // sass-loader >= 8
        additionalData: `@import "~@/path/to/main.sass"`

        // sass-loader < 8
        data: `@import "~@/path/to/main.sass"`

Prepending global styles

With the sass-loader config above, importing vuetify/src/styles/main.sass in your project's root main.sass (as done in the original question) causes an error. The workaround is to copy the contents of Vuetify's main.sass into your own. However, if your app uses any Vuetify components, you'll see the same error for _grid.sass, and the same workaround applies:

// @import '~vuetify/src/styles/main.sass' ❌ SassError: This file is already being loaded.
@import '~vuetify/src/styles/tools/_index'
@import '~vuetify/src/styles/settings/_index'
@import '~vuetify/src/styles/generic/_index'
@import '~vuetify/src/styles/elements/_index'
@import '~vuetify/src/styles/utilities/_index'

// @import '~vuetify/src/components/VGrid/_grid.sass' ❌ SassError: This file is already being loaded.
  flex-grow: 0 !important
  flex-shrink: 1 !important

  @extend .mr-1
  @extend .shrink

This approach gets unwieldy the more you need to extend the component-specific styles.

Also, since this prepends the contents of your main.sass to all Sass entry points, you may notice a significant delay in build/dev times (hampering developer experience), and a sizable vendor CSS chunk in your build output.

Better alternatives

You could avoid the caveats above by importing your main.sass in main.js:

import '@/main.sass'

demo 1

On the other hand, if you only need these styles in a specific component, use local styles instead:

import '@/main.sass'

demo 2

<!-- or -->
<style lang="sass">
@import '~@/main.sass'

demo 3

<!-- or -->
<style lang="sass">
@import '~vuetify/src/styles/main.sass'
@import '~vuetify/src/components/VGrid/_grid.sass' // for .shrink

  @extend .mr-1
  @extend .shrink

demo 4

like image 157
tony19 Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 09:10
