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What is pixel width and length for jspdf's default 'a4' format?

What is the size in pixels for jspdf's 'a4' format? I want to add an image to pdf so it will take full width of the document.

new jsPDF('p', 'pt', 'a4');
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Yevhenii Bahmutskyi Avatar asked Jun 26 '17 10:06

Yevhenii Bahmutskyi

People also ask

How do I set height and width in jsPDF?

You can get the width and height of PDF document like below, var doc = new jsPDF("p", "mm", "a4"); var width = doc. internal. pageSize.

What is P jsPDF?

jsPDF(orientation, unit, format) Creates new jsPDF document object. instance Parameters: orientation One of "portrait" or "landscape" (or shortcuts "p" (Default), "l") unit Measurement unit to be used when coordinates are specified.

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1 Answers

new jsPDF('p', 'pt', [ 595.28,  841.89])

In the sourcecode on GitHub you can see the supported units (relative proportions to pt), and you can also see the default page formats (with their sizes in pt).

Hope this could help,


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L. Merlo Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 20:09

L. Merlo