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Angularjs directives isolated scope + one-way data-binding not working for objects?

I have created a custom directive which has two values. first is config object and second is data object. I modify this config and data objects inside my directive which is reflecting it in parent scope. Which is causing me error when I have to use directive multiple times.

I followed https://umur.io/angularjs-directives-using-isolated-scope-with-attributes/ and I am using isolated scope.

I want one way data binding for objects in isolated scope. Whatever I change in directive function it should not reflect in the parent scope.

below is scope of directive.

scope: {
    config: "&config",
    dataObj: "&dataObj"

here is how I access it in the link function of directive

var config = scope.config();
var dataObj= scope.dataObj();

I am assuming that pass by reference is happening here.

I am adding JSbin. check the console the value of object is changing and reflecting in parent scope.


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murli2308 Avatar asked Oct 14 '15 13:10


1 Answers

passing text is one-way binding(@) and passing object is two-way binding(=)

passing object as text

<custom-directive config="{{config}}"></custom-directive>

scope in directive

scope: {
  config: "@"

converting the string back to object in link

var config = angular.fromJson(scope.config);
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Pavan Kumar Jorrigala Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 07:09

Pavan Kumar Jorrigala