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What is no rule to process file mean?

Warning: no rule to process file '$(PROJECT_DIR)/YIFullScreenScrollDemo/../../Classes/UIViewController+YIFullScreenScroll.m' of type file for architecture i386

I am trying to implement YIFullScreenScrollDemo

After keep failing I just copy the whole .h and .m file to the main project. Actually I keep reference.

Now this code for example, pass compile check:

self.fullScreenScroll = [[YIFullScreenScroll alloc] initWithViewController:self scrollView:self.tableView];

Yet, at run time, I got:

YIFullScreenScrollDemo[82387:c07] -[FirstViewController setFullScreenScroll:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x7577e80

Also I got these 4 warnings:

Warning: no rule to process file '$(PROJECT_DIR)/YIFullScreenScrollDemo/../../Classes/UIViewController+YIFullScreenScroll.m' of type file for architecture i386
Warning: no rule to process file '$(PROJECT_DIR)/YIFullScreenScrollDemo/../../Classes/YIFullScreenScroll.m' of type file for architecture i386
Warning: no rule to process file '$(PROJECT_DIR)/YIFullScreenScrollDemo/../Pods/JRSwizzle/JRSwizzle.m' of type file for architecture i386
Warning: no rule to process file '$(PROJECT_DIR)/YIFullScreenScrollDemo/../../Classes/UIView+YIFullScreenScroll.m' of type file for architecture i386

What is the problem?

Note: not duplicate of the other one compilation warning: no rule to process file for architecture i386

This one is for .m files. The other question is for .h file

Naturally we do need to include the .m files right?

like image 747
Septiadi Agus Avatar asked May 28 '13 12:05

Septiadi Agus

1 Answers

What mojtaba said works for .m files (+1) in the event that you don't have the .h issue people are referring to.

Click on the Product menu, hold ALT to enable the "Clean Build Folder..." option and then recompile. Error went away.

like image 97
Travis M. Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 07:10

Travis M.