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What is meant by framework, programming language and scripting language?


What is meant by framework, programming language and scripting language?

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nicky Avatar asked Oct 03 '09 16:10


People also ask

What is a framework programming language?

Frameworks are the starting set of tools used by many successful coding teams. These development platforms feature libraries of bundled code, software modeling, APIs, and other elements that make the scripting and programming processes much faster and more efficient.

What is difference between programming language and framework?

Frameworks are cohesive sets of library code that simplify programming in any given language, whereas language is the actual syntax and grammar of writing a code. Frameworks come with a number of advantages.

What is scripting and programming language?

Scripting languages convert high-level instructions into machine language. Programming languages help in converting the full program into the machine language (at once). Compilation. You don't need to compile these languages. These languages first need a compilation.

What is the difference between scripting and programming?

Scripting languages are translated and cannot be converted into an executable file, whereas programming languages are generally compiled and created to executable the file. Scripting languages can combine existing modules or components, while programming languages are used to build applications from scratch.

2 Answers

I think Daniel Pryden's points are excellent - I voted him up. I'd just like to add a couple of minor additions.

Programming languages, like C and C++, used to have a compiling and linking step that rendered the source code into a machine-language form that was run by the operating system.

Scripting languages, like the Unix Bourne, Korn, and C shell, were not compiled or linked like C and C++. (Thanks to Daniel Pryden's correction and citation of the Unix scripting languages.)

Since virtual machines have become so common in languages like Java, Python, and C#, the distinction between scripting and programming has been blurred.

As for the distinction between libraries and frameworks: your code links in libraries and calls them. This is different from a framework, because your code is plugged into the framework. It's known as the Hollywood principle: "Don't call us, we'll call you."

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duffymo Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 19:09


The distinction between programming languages and scripting languages is ill-defined. In my opinion, we should dispense with the term "scripting language" and just call them all programming languages.

A framework, on the other hand, is a collection of code that uses an inversion-of-control mechanism to help you structure your code. Frameworks are similar to libraries in that they provide building blocks you can use to build a bigger system.

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Daniel Pryden Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 19:09

Daniel Pryden