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What is git-daemon?




What is git-daemon? Is it a default git function? I am trying to understand this so that I can host a repository on a server that people can push/pull from.

So far I am able to clone a "--bare" repository onto an Apache server, and then use "update-server-info" to allow the repository to be cloned to other collaborators. However, this does not let collaborators push their commits to the "--bare" repository.

I created the "git-daemon-export-ok" file in my "--bare" repository, and ran the command: "git-daemon --verbose /git" but I get an error: "git-daemon: command not found."

Any help would be appreciated.

like image 837
junsungwong Avatar asked Feb 27 '12 23:02


People also ask

Does git have daemon?

man git-daemon will tell you quite a bit (and yes, it is a built-in that comes with Git). Git daemon is run via git daemon (notice no hyphen).

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1 Answers

man git-daemon will tell you quite a bit (and yes, it is a built-in that comes with Git). Git daemon is run via git daemon (notice no hyphen).

However, you should take a look at Gitolite or similar if you intend on hosting Git repositories on a server.

Further, why are you cloning a repository with the intention of having that cloned, and any pushes to it forwarded to the repo it was cloned from? Just clone from the original repository!

like image 70
Andrew Marshall Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 00:09

Andrew Marshall