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I can't make git diff use opendiff

I want to use opendiff as default diff-tool for git diff. This used to work but for some reason stopped working. I'm using a script:

echo opendiff $2 $5 > opendiff-git.sh

which is set in .gitconfig:

external = ~/opendiff-git.sh

This stopped working for me lately. What is wrong?

Update: When I cloned a new repository everything worked fine! Strange!

like image 766
Ida Avatar asked Jun 15 '11 05:06


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1 Answers

I found this question while I was trying to set opendiff as my git diff & merge tool. Weird thing is that when I used the echo opendiff $2 $5 > opendiff-git.sh to create a script the script did not contain the argument place holders $2 $5 I added them in manually and it started working!

This command

echo opendiff $2 $5 > opendiff-git.sh

Resulted in opendiff-git.sh file containing


I added the two argument placeholders $2 $5 manually

opendiff $2 $5

Made the shell script executable as suggested by knittl

chmod +x ~/opendiff-git.sh

And it works!

like image 148
John Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 18:09
