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What is "entry point" in npm init

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What is a npm entry point?

In order to publish a package on npm, it is important to define the package entry points in the project's package. json file. The entry point is the path to the file that should be loaded when users import a package through import Package from "package-name" or const Package = require("package-name") .

What is Test command in npm init?

The test command is an arbitrary command used as a convention to run the testing process. It will always be generated when you run the npm init command.

What is main entry in package json?

The main field is a module ID that is the primary entry point to your program. That is, if your package is named foo, and a user installs it, and then does require("foo"), then your main module's exports object will be returned. This should be a module ID relative to the root of your package folder.

What is the name of the initial entry point file when we create a package json file?

The entry point is the file, whose module.

Quoting from this blog post:

Entry point is the javascript file that will be invoked when consumers of your module “require” it, this file will include the main logic for your module, or if it is a large module you can export public functions found with other files (typically in the lib directory)

So it should be your app.js file.

For any project, entry point is the file from which execution starts. It depends on project configuration and run time environment of the technology we are using.

Examples : For a node.js project app.js is used initializes the app and glues everything together.

Entry point is the path that your users will access using the index.js to be able to access the full view and services of your module I will rather leave it the way it is if you do not know what you are doing.