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What is Eclipse's Ctrl+O (Show Outline) shortcut equivalent in IntelliJ IDEA?

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What is Ctrl O in IntelliJ?

Eclipse "Quick outline" Ctrl + O (Windows) is an equivalent Idea "File Structure" Ctrl + F12 ! Follow this answer to receive notifications.

How do I get Eclipse shortcuts in IntelliJ?

Shortcut to use Eclipse shortcuts in IntelliJ Idea: Press ctrl+`(also have tilde~ on it, button at the left side of digit 1). Then press 3 (Keymap) and select 2 (Eclipse). Done!

How do I outline in IntelliJ?

On the main menu, choose View | Tool Windows | Structure. Press Alt+7. Press Ctrl+F12.

I haven't used Eclipse for years, so I'm not that familiar with the behaviour you're after - but I believe Ctrl + F12 may do what you want: it is the shortcut for the File structure Popup in the default mapping.

For macOS fn + cmd + F12


  • Mac: +F12
  • Windows: Ctrl+F12
  • Ubuntu/CentOS: Ctrl+F12

Above works on IntelliJ versions 14 to 2020.

Windows : ctrl + F12

MacOS : cmd + F12

Above commands will show the functions/methods in the current class.

Press SHIFT TWO times if you want to search both class and method in the whole project.

On MacOSX 10.8.5, CmdF12 did not work for me. I had to use FnCmdF12