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Good examples using java.util.logging [closed]

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What is logging in Java examples?

Java Logging FormattersSimpleFormatter: This formatter generates text messages with basic information. ConsoleHandler uses this formatter class to print log messages to console. XMLFormatter: This formatter generates XML message for the log, FileHandler uses XMLFormatter as a default formatter.

What is Java Util logging?

Logging in simple words refers to the recording of an application activity. Logging is used to store exceptions, information, and warnings as messages that occur during the execution of a program. Logging helps a programmer in the debugging process of a program. Java provides logging facility in the java. util.

Does Java Util logging use Log4j?

util. logging. LogManager that uses Log4j. This adapter can be used with either the Log4j API or Log4j Core.

Is Java Util logging thread safe?

All methods on Logger are multi-thread safe.

java.util.logging keeps you from having to tote one more jar file around with your application, and it works well with a good Formatter.

In general, at the top of every class, you should have:

private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger( ClassName.class.getName() );

Then, you can just use various facilities of the Logger class.

Use Level.FINE for anything that is debugging at the top level of execution flow:

LOGGER.log( Level.FINE, "processing {0} entries in loop", list.size() );

Use Level.FINER / Level.FINEST inside of loops and in places where you may not always need to see that much detail when debugging basic flow issues:

LOGGER.log( Level.FINER, "processing[{0}]: {1}", new Object[]{ i, list.get(i) } );

Use the parameterized versions of the logging facilities to keep from generating tons of String concatenation garbage that GC will have to keep up with. Object[] as above is cheap, on the stack allocation usually.

With exception handling, always log the complete exception details:

try {
    ...something that can throw an ignorable exception
} catch( Exception ex ) {
    LOGGER.log( Level.SEVERE, ex.toString(), ex );

I always pass ex.toString() as the message here, because then when I "grep -n" for "Exception" in log files, I can see the message too. Otherwise, it is going to be on the next line of output generated by the stack dump, and you have to have a more advanced RegEx to match that line too, which often gets you more output than you need to look through.

Should declare logger like this:

private final static Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(MyClass.class.getName());

so if you refactor your class name it follows.

I wrote an article about java logger with examples here.

There are many examples and also of different types for logging. Take a look at the java.util.logging package.

Example code:

import java.util.logging.Logger;

public class Main {

  private static Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger("InfoLogging");

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    LOGGER.info("Logging an INFO-level message");

Without hard-coding the class name:

import java.util.logging.Logger;

public class Main {
  private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(
    Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace()[0].getClassName() );

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    LOGGER.info("Logging an INFO-level message");