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What is difference between Implicit wait and Explicit wait in Selenium WebDriver? [duplicate]


There are Implicit and Explicit wait in Selenium WebDriver. What's the difference between them?

Kindly share the knowledge about Selenium WebDriver. Please show the real time example with Implicit & Explicit wait.

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tsr_qa Avatar asked Mar 26 '14 09:03


People also ask

What is difference between implicit wait & explicit wait?

Implicit wait specifies a time to wait for the lifetime of WebDriver and is applicable for each element i.e. done once. Explicit waits, however, depend on the conditions. The explicit wait depends on the specified condition or the maximum duration of allowed time for waiting.

What is difference between FluentWait and WebDriverWait?

Difference Between WebDriverWait and FluentWaitIn FluentWait you have more options to configure, along with maximum wait time, like polling interval, exceptions to ignore etc. So, instead of waiting and then using findElement : WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, 18); wait. until(ExpectedConditions.

What is alternative of implicit wait in Selenium?

Explicit wait IS the correct replacement for implicit waits.

What WebDriver wait type is better to use?

Explicit Wait in Selenium It gives better options than implicit wait as it waits for dynamically loaded Ajax elements. In the below example, we are creating reference wait for “WebDriverWait” class and instantiating using “WebDriver” reference, and we are giving a maximum time frame of 20 seconds.

1 Answers

Check the below links:

  • Implicit Wait - It instructs the web driver to wait for some time by poll the DOM. Once you declared implicit wait it will be available for the entire life of web driver instance. By default the value will be 0. If you set a longer default, then the behavior will poll the DOM on a periodic basis depending on the browser/driver implementation.

  • Explicit Wait + ExpectedConditions - It is the custom one. It will be used if we want the execution to wait for some time until some condition achieved.

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Manigandan Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 03:09
