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What is $$ and $x in Chrome Javascript console?

I saw Chrome's autocomplete suggestions when I was testing JQuery and saw $$ and $x are defined. What are they and where did they come from? I saw What is the variable $x used for in Chrome?, but what is $$?

> $
  function ( selector, context ) {
        // The jQuery object is actually just the init constructor 'enhanced'
        return new jQuery.fn.init( selector, context, rootjQuery );
    } jquery.js?body=1:62
> $$
  function $$() { [Command Line API] }
> $x
  function $x() { [Command Line API] }

This is something ogooglebar.

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Chloe Avatar asked Jan 05 '14 05:01


2 Answers


Returns an array of elements that match the given CSS selector. This command is equivalent to calling document.querySelectorAll().

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CD.. Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 23:09


I had this same question. From the link Ast Derek posted, it looks like the following objects exist by default:

$() is an alias for document.querySelector()
$$() is an alias for document.querySelectorAll()

I've checked both Chrome and Firefox, and these seem to be true for both.

When you link jQuery, $() gets replaced by the jQuery object, but $$() still exists with its default behavior. Pretty confusing for someone who is new to all of this stuff.

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Niko Bellic Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 23:09

Niko Bellic