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What is a trampoline function?

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What is a trampoline in code?

The trampoline is a small piece of code which is constructed on the fly on the stack when the address of a nested function is taken. The trampoline sets up the static link pointer, which allows the nested function to access local variables of the enclosing function.

What is a trampoline page?

Trampoline page stores code to switch between user and kernel space. The code is mapped at the same virtual address (TRAMPOLINE) in user and kernel space so that it continues to work when it switches page tables.

There is also the LISP sense of 'trampoline' as described on Wikipedia:

Used in some LISP implementations, a trampoline is a loop that iteratively invokes thunk-returning functions. A single trampoline is sufficient to express all control transfers of a program; a program so expressed is trampolined or in "trampolined style"; converting a program to trampolined style is trampolining. Trampolined functions can be used to implement tail recursive function calls in stack-oriented languages

Let us say we are using Javascript and want to write the naive Fibonacci function in continuation-passing-style. The reason we would do this is not relevant - to port Scheme to JS for instance, or to play with CPS which we have to use anyway to call server-side functions.

So, the first attempt is

function fibcps(n, c) {
    if (n <= 1) {
    } else {
        fibcps(n - 1, function (x) {
            fibcps(n - 2, function (y) {
                c(x + y)

But, running this with n = 25 in Firefox gives an error 'Too much recursion!'. Now this is exactly the problem (missing tail-call optimization in Javascript) that trampolining solves. Instead of making a (recursive) call to a function, let us return an instruction (thunk) to call that function, to be interpreted in a loop.

function fibt(n, c) {
    function trampoline(x) {
        while (x && x.func) {
            x = x.func.apply(null, x.args);

    function fibtramp(n, c) {
        if (n <= 1) {
            return {func: c, args: [n]};
        } else {
            return {
                func: fibtramp,
                args: [n - 1,
                    function (x) {
                        return {
                            func: fibtramp,
                            args: [n - 2, function (y) {
                                return {func: c, args: [x + y]}

    trampoline({func: fibtramp, args: [n, c]});

Let me add few examples for factorial function implemented with trampolines, in different languages:


sealed trait Bounce[A]
case class Done[A](result: A) extends Bounce[A]
case class Call[A](thunk: () => Bounce[A]) extends Bounce[A]

def trampoline[A](bounce: Bounce[A]): A = bounce match {
  case Call(thunk) => trampoline(thunk())
  case Done(x) => x

def factorial(n: Int, product: BigInt): Bounce[BigInt] = {
    if (n <= 2) Done(product)
    else Call(() => factorial(n - 1, n * product))

object Factorial extends Application {
    println(trampoline(factorial(100000, 1)))


import java.math.BigInteger;

class Trampoline<T> 
    public T get() { return null; }
    public Trampoline<T>  run() { return null; }

    T execute() {
        Trampoline<T>  trampoline = this;

        while (trampoline.get() == null) {
            trampoline = trampoline.run();

        return trampoline.get();

public class Factorial
    public static Trampoline<BigInteger> factorial(final int n, final BigInteger product)
        if(n <= 1) {
            return new Trampoline<BigInteger>() { public BigInteger get() { return product; } };
        else {
            return new Trampoline<BigInteger>() { 
                public Trampoline<BigInteger> run() { 
                    return factorial(n - 1, product.multiply(BigInteger.valueOf(n)));

    public static void main( String [ ] args )
        System.out.println(factorial(100000, BigInteger.ONE).execute());

C (unlucky without big numbers implementation):

#include <stdio.h>

typedef struct _trampoline_data {
  void(*callback)(struct _trampoline_data*);
  void* parameters;
} trampoline_data;

void trampoline(trampoline_data* data) {
  while(data->callback != NULL)


typedef struct _factorialParameters {
  int n;
  int product;
} factorialParameters;

void factorial(trampoline_data* data) {
  factorialParameters* parameters = (factorialParameters*) data->parameters;

  if (parameters->n <= 1) {
    data->callback = NULL;
  else {
    parameters->product *= parameters->n;

int main() {
  factorialParameters params = {5, 1};
  trampoline_data t = {&factorial, &params};

  printf("\n%d\n", params.product);

  return 0;

I'll give you an example that I used in an anti-cheat patch for an online game.

I needed to be able to scan all files that were being loaded by the game for modification. So the most robust way I found to do this was to use a trampoline for CreateFileA. So when the game was launched I would find the address for CreateFileA using GetProcAddress, then I would modify the first few bytes of the function and insert assembly code that would jump to my own "trampoline" function, where I would do some things, and then I would jump back to the next location in CreateFile after my jmp code. To be able to do it reliably is a little trickier than that, but the basic concept is just to hook one function, force it to redirect to another function, and then jump back to the original function.

Edit: Microsoft has a framework for this type of thing that you can look at. Called Detours

I am currently experimenting with ways to implement tail call optimization for a Scheme interpreter, and so at the moment I am trying to figure out whether the trampoline would be feasible for me.

As I understand it, it is basically just a series of function calls performed by a trampoline function. Each function is called a thunk and returns the next step in the computation until the program terminates (empty continuation).

Here is the first piece of code that I wrote to improve my understanding of the trampoline:

#include <stdio.h>

typedef void *(*CONTINUATION)(int);

void trampoline(CONTINUATION cont)
  int counter = 0;
  CONTINUATION currentCont = cont;
  while (currentCont != NULL) {
    currentCont = (CONTINUATION) currentCont(counter);
  printf("got off the trampoline - happy happy joy joy !\n");

void *thunk3(int param)
  printf("*boing* last thunk\n");
  return NULL;

void *thunk2(int param)
  printf("*boing* thunk 2\n");
  return thunk3;

void *thunk1(int param)
  printf("*boing* thunk 1\n");
  return thunk2;

int main(int argc, char **argv)

results in:

meincompi $ ./trampoline 
*boing* thunk 1
*boing* thunk 2
*boing* last thunk
got off the trampoline - happy happy joy joy !