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What is a SNMP ping?

I know what SNMP is and I know what ping is. What is meant by a 'SNMP ping'? SNMP can be used to see if devices on a network are still alive.. what does it use to do this? I wouldn't have thought an SNMP ping is the same as an ICMP ping?

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ale Avatar asked Mar 12 '12 15:03


People also ask

Is SNMP same as ping?

Ping is simpler than SNMP in that it doesn't report any other information about a device other than whether it's up or down (assuming the device you're trying to reach is accepting requests), and how long it took to get a response from that device.

What does ping do?

A ping (Packet Internet or Inter-Network Groper) is a basic Internet program that allows a user to test and verify if a particular destination IP address exists and can accept requests in computer network administration. The acronym was contrived to match the submariners' term for the sound of a returned sonar pulse.

What is difference between ICMP and SNMP?

In terms of performance management metrics, ICMP or ping is used for availability calculations and latency or response time. SNMP is used for almost all of the other statistics, including CPU, memory, buffers, interface traffic and errors and many, many more statistics.

What protocol does ping use?

ICMP is probably most well known as the message protocol used for the ping command. A ping command sends an ICMP echo request to the target host.

4 Answers

As you correctly suspected SNMP "ping" is definitely not the same as ICMP ping. What it does is to try to retrieve some basic information through SNMP like DNS name, system name, location, system type, system description etc. and if successful the "ping" is deemed to be successful too.

But this is not any kind of standard the way ICMP Ping (echo) is. There is no special "ping" command in SNMP - it's just a name for a tool used to scan whether SNMP is alive at some target device (by retrieving some common MIB values). So as you would expect the implementation differs too as a consequence of it being a useful tool rather than a standard.

But that has little effect in practice as there is a set of 'mandatory' SNMP records so if a device does not respond to those, you can be pretty sure it doesn't run SNMP. For an SNMP "ping" to work SNMP MUST be enabled on the target device of course ... which isn't the case by default most of the time in general so that's a big difference to ICMP Ping which can be used almost universally.

I hope I answered your question

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Nick Libreman Avatar answered Jan 03 '23 20:01

Nick Libreman

Ping was "Packetized Internet Node Groper", originally a tool that implemented an ICMP echo response. "Ping" is now commonly used to convey an abstraction of checking whether a device is online, available, responding.

There are MIB options to ask a device to ping or trace route something -- which seem to be asking a device to ICMP to a third party and indicate success/failure -- but the colloquial use of "snmp ping" is to check responsiveness by asking a simple SNMP question of a static data point and get a response.

Most devices offer some response to requests in the subtree, but it's not a hard/fast requirement. For example, on a Unix (-like) command line, one may try "snmpget -v 1 -c public" to ask "" what its name is. The device may respond; it typically will not NAK if the access (version 1, community string "public", in this case) is incorrect. The switch(es) in between may choose to alert the requestor "unreachable", but may not. In this case as others, if there is no response, the messages or hints aside from "no response" may be helpful.

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chickenandporn Avatar answered Jan 03 '23 19:01


It is typical for an SNMP ping to be equivalent to an ICMP echo. IBM states, for example, that it issues a single ICMP echo (to the SNMPD on the receiving end) and returns the minRTT. If a response times out, then it sends another raw echo packet after 1 second, and another again after 2 seconds. If there is yet no reponse, -1 is returned.

Cisco also has a sort of similar implementation (SNMP GET/SET/PING-MIB). It is definitely implementation-specific, however.


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hat Avatar answered Jan 03 '23 20:01


"ping" is just a generic term for sending a message for the purpose of seeing whether you get back a response.

ICMP is the most common method of "pinging" a host on an IP network. If you get an ICMP echo response from an IP address, then you know that something out there is able and willing to receive and reply to at least some network traffic for that address. Receiving a reply to an ICMP ping does not tell you anything about the state of any other network services. Not receiving a reply does not tell you anything at all: there are dozens of reasons why you might not receive a response to an ICMP ping at any particular moment.

The concept of a "ping" applies to any mechanism of communication. Some network protocols have specific standards for performing a "ping". For most, "pinging" just means trying to perform some basic operation to see if it works. For example, you could "ping" an HTTP server by just connecting to port 80 and doing "HEAD / HTTP/1.0". If you get back an HTTP response, then you know there's an HTTP server operational. The same idea applies to SNMP or any another network application.

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Seth Noble Avatar answered Jan 03 '23 19:01

Seth Noble