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What is a request-response pair called? [duplicate]




For example in HTTP you send a request and receive a response; is there a noun that describes that request-response pair?

I'd thought of "dialog" or "conversation" however those imply multiple request-response pairs, whereas I'm looking for a word that indicates exactly one.

The reason for asking is that I need to name an object which encapsulates the details of both, and RequestResponse seems fairly lame.

like image 610
Greg Beech Avatar asked Jun 24 '09 16:06

Greg Beech

People also ask

What is request response pair?

Hoverfly simulates APIs by matching incoming requests from the client to stored requests. Stored requests have an associated stored response which is returned to the client if the match is successful.

What is a response to a request called?

Some common synonyms of response are answer, rejoinder, reply, and retort.

1 Answers

  • RFC2616 calls it an Exchange.
  • Wireshark and HTTPNetworkSniffer call it a Request/Response.
  • Fiddler calls it a Session.
  • Charles calls it a Sequence.
  • HTTP Scoop calls it a Conversation.
  • Other vocabulary includes: Message, Transaction, Communication.

I would go for Exchange or RequestResponse.

I also went to name it Operation in my code as I would queue Operations, flush Operations, pause or resume Operations.

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Cœur Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 07:09
