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What is a .pem file and How to use it?


I am designing a new chrome extension and when I package it then I get 2 file: a .crx file and a .pem file.

I want to distribuite my extension on my server ( shared ) and on Chrome webstore.

Could you tell me what is a pem file and how to use it ?

I can't find documentation about it.

like image 391
xRobot Avatar asked May 24 '12 08:05


People also ask

Is a PEM file a private key?

pem contains the private encryption key. cert.

How do I open a .PEM file?

Navigate to Advanced > Certificates > Manage Certificates > Your Certificates > Import. From the "File name:" section of the Import window, choose Certificate Files from the drop-down, and then find and open the PEM file.

Is PEM same as key file?

key files are generally the private key, used by the server to encrypt and package data for verification by clients. . pem files are generally the public key, used by the client to verify and decrypt data sent by servers. PEM files could also be encoded private keys, so check the content if you're not sure.

1 Answers

The packager creates two files:

  • a .crx file, which is the actual extension that can be installed.
  • a .pem file, which contains the private key.

You'll need the .pem later if you want to:

  • Update the extension
  • Uploading a previously packaged extension to the Chrome Web Store (make sure that the file is called key.pem (more info))

So, do not lose your private key (.pem)!

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Zuul Avatar answered Oct 30 '22 13:10
