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How can port AsyncTask from Android to java?


AsyncTask is very useful to synchronized between UI thread and other threads in Android. So I have read its source code and tried porting to java classic (JDK) but no success because some classes don't exist in java (Message, Handler..).
I would like to create a class with some useful functions like AsyncTask (that can synchronized between main thread and other threads) :

    doInBackground(Params... params)
    onProgressUpdate(Progress... values)
    onPostExecute(Result result)
    publishProgress(Progress... values)

Is there any way to try that?

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ductran Avatar asked Aug 05 '12 09:08


People also ask

Does AsyncTask run on UI thread?

There are a few threading rules that must be followed for this class to work properly: The AsyncTask class must be loaded on the UI thread. This is done automatically as of Build.

Why AsyncTask is used in Android?

Android AsyncTask is an abstract class provided by Android which gives us the liberty to perform heavy tasks in the background and keep the UI thread light thus making the application more responsive. Android application runs on a single thread when launched.

What is difference between thread and AsyncTask in Android?

Thread can be triggered from any thread, main(UI) or background; but AsyncTask must be triggered from main thread. Also on lower API of Android(not sure, maybe API level < 11), one instance of AsyncTask can be executed only once. Long task in general.

How many threads are created by AsyncTask in Android?

In newer Android versions, 5 threads are create by default, and the ThreadPoolExecutor will attempt to run the AsyncTask s on these 5 threads. If you create more than 5 AsyncTask s, it may either queue them or create new threads (but only up to 128).

2 Answers

Agreed that SwingWorker is the most direct analog to AsyncTask

If you aren't using Swing, another option is a ThreadPoolExecutor: http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/util/concurrent/ThreadPoolExecutor.html

Here's an article demonstrating using ThreadPoolExecutor to spawn multiple background threads: http://www.javacodegeeks.com/2013/01/java-thread-pool-example-using-executors-and-threadpoolexecutor.html

Spawning a single background thread that runs and completes without progress update (which is also a common use of AsyncTask in Android) can be as simple as:

Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor().execute(new Runnable() {
  public void run() {
    // do stuff in background
like image 90
Stan Kurdziel Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 00:11

Stan Kurdziel

1. AsyncTask is specially developed for android to sync the UI thread and the Non-UI thread, also known as Painless threading.....

2. There is an alternative of AsyncTask in Java named as SwingWorker.

See this link for a nice basic tutorial:


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Kumar Vivek Mitra Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 23:11

Kumar Vivek Mitra