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What is a part in the youtube api v3, and how should I use it



I was trying to make the "try it now" work on the youtube api page in this link: https://developers.google.com/youtube/v3/docs/videoCategories/list#try-it What do I need to write in each text box? It is very unclear for a noob like me... The explanation about what a part is is very unclear. What a property is, where should I use these. There are no examples of usage. It is very frustrating. As a side note - this whole API documentation is as if written for someone who already knows how to use it.. very unfriendly.

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dangalg Avatar asked Dec 23 '14 11:12


People also ask

What is part parameter in YouTube API?

The part parameter is a required parameter for any API request that retrieves or returns a resource. The parameter identifies one or more top-level (non-nested) resource properties that should be included in an API response. For example, a video resource has the following parts: snippet.

What is the use of YouTube data API?

The API provides the ability to retrieve feeds related to videos, users, and playlists. It also provides the ability to manipulate these feeds, such as creating new playlists, adding videos as favorites, and sending messsages. The API is also able to upload videos.

What is V3 API?

About the V3 API The new V3 API provides fast, easy access to MBTA schedules, alerts, and real-time information. The V3 API uses the JSON API format, so you can get started quickly using any of the available libraries. V3 API documentation is available using Swagger.

1 Answers

Basic explanations are right next to each text box: more details can be found on the API Overview page, under Partial Resources.

part: The part parameter specifies the videoCategory resource parts that the API response will include Supported values are id and snippet. Type in id, snippet, or id, snippet.

regionCode: instructs the API to return the list of video categories available in the specified country. The parameter value is an ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. Type in us or your country code.

Click the 'Execute' button to get results.

like image 125
johnh10 Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 00:10
