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Can Youtube v3 API be used currently for retreiving data of channels that user is not associated with?



I want to know if we can use Youtube V3 API to retrieve channel data, videos etc when the channel requested is not the authenticated user's own channel.

The documentation for v3 youtube api (https://developers.google.com/youtube/v3/docs/channels/list#try-it) says "The list method returns a collection of zero or more channel resources that match the request criteria. At this time, this method does require an authenticated user, and the API only supports requests to retrieve information about the channel that is associated with the currently authenticated user."

Example in V2 it is http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/users/{user_name}, what is the equivalent in v3 ? Is it available yet ?

like image 307
Ranjith Avatar asked Sep 26 '12 07:09


1 Answers

You can request a channel by ID e.g. Lady Gaga channel:


like image 109
Marius Avatar answered Jan 01 '23 13:01
