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What is a manifest.json file, and where can I find it on my machine?

I assume that it is for chrome. I have read that I can set the permissions in that file to avoid XSS errors while developing.

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KevinDeus Avatar asked May 02 '11 20:05


People also ask

Where is manifest JSON located?

First check if manifest. json is applied in the browser. For that open developer window by pressing shortcut F12. In Application tab, click Manifest option and see if it displays information that you have set.

What is use of manifest JSON file?

Using manifest. json , you specify basic metadata about your extension such as the name and version, and can also specify aspects of your extension's functionality (such as background scripts, content scripts, and browser actions).

Can I delete manifest JSON?

Yes, you should be completely fine deleting the manifest.

What is manifest file in Chrome?

The web app manifest is a JSON file that tells the browser about your Progressive Web App and how it should behave when installed on the user's desktop or mobile device.

2 Answers

There are many json files for your chrome experience from Native chrome json files to json files for chrome extensions. Most of them can be found at


Most manifest.json files are found for extensions in

C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions
like image 111
Tim Joyce Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 02:11

Tim Joyce

In linux mine are located in .config directory:

like image 28
Peter Teoh Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 00:11

Peter Teoh