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How to customise Google chrome to add search options on a right click?

As short cuts, I have added various search engine entries in my browser to get to a page having a patterned URL easily.

But this still does not solve the problem completely. While browsing, if I see some text that corresponds to one of the pages, I need to copy the text, open a new tab and then use my search entry to go to that page.

A couple of steps can be saved if I can directly right click and go to the search engine.

How can I do that? Do I need to create an extension for this or something simpler can help?


  1. copy text
  2. open new tab
  3. search engine keyword followed by tab
  4. paste text
  5. press return


  1. select text
  2. right click and select search
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Lazer Avatar asked May 08 '11 11:05


1 Answers

You can add context menu items via Chrome extensions - see the doc for more details.

However, there's no current way to remove core-Chrome context menu items; only ones created by your own extension. And from researching before, I also think there's no way to get a user's search engines - only hardcode the ones you want.

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Zirak Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 05:09
