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What is a good website to learn prolog? [closed]



I need to do a project for class in Prolog but they gave us no guidance at all in the language it self. I was reading http://kti.mff.cuni.cz/~bartak/prolog/contents.html but I am not understanding anything of what I am reading.

Any better sources out there you can share?

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user1319603 Avatar asked May 01 '12 22:05


People also ask

Where can I learn Prolog?

Learn Prolog Programming From Zero to Hero | Udemy.

Is Prolog worth learning 2021?

Nonetheless, I've argued that there are good reasons to learn Prolog. The language is beautiful, it offers a different perspective on classic computer science issues, and it has unfulfilled potential. Whether you are motivated by aesthetic, academic, or career considerations, you have a reason to learn Prolog in 2021.

Is Prolog still used in 2020?

Trust me, Prolog is still being used — just not as extensively as some of the most commonly used languages in our industry, and there is a very good reason for that.

Does anyone use Prolog anymore?

Yes, as mentioned in other answers, Prolog is actually used in IBM Watson. Prolog doesn't get much "hype" and "buzz" these days, but it is absolutely still used.

1 Answers

Bratko's "Prolog Programming for AI" is excellent, clear, lively, accessible. Sterling and Shapiro's "The Art of Prolog" is very good too, very thorough with the basic/foundational stuff.

Bratko was the one were it "clicked" for me. I took this slogan from him (don't remember if he wrote it or if I distilled it from his book somehow) - in Prolog, to understand the question is to have your answer. Writing down the question properly gives you a runnable program, more or less. I remember reading a page on AVL trees where he wrote down the definition, and I turned the page expecting to see the "solution". But it was already about something else. Turning the page back I realized, that the statement of what AVL trees were, was already the program itself.

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Will Ness Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 16:10

Will Ness