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Programming for Young tableaux

A strange question follows:
I'm doing a problem solving competition @ my school, and they allow us to use a computer. Since I'm the only one in the competition who knows how to code, I use C and Pascal programs to solve problems faster. I've done that with pseudocode-to-code exercises, algorithms, Collatz conjecture verification and such.
Now, yesterday I was training for the next challenge (18th of April), and I saw an exercise on Young tableaux. It was phrased like this(I'll do my best to translate from Italian):
"Ferrers diagrams are configuration of N boxes distributed in one or more horizontal rows, left-aligned and configured so that every row contains an equal or lower number of boxes than the row over it. These configurations might also be described by a list of the boxes' number, like in this image:
ferrers diagrams
(source: olimpiadiproblemsolving.it)

A Young tableau is a Ferrers diagram of N boxes filled with integers from 1 to N. Example:
young tableaux
(source: olimpiadiproblemsolving.it)

If numbers in the boxes are sorted so that they are in increasing order by row and by column, the table is "standard"(example: first, third and fifth tableau). In standard tableaux, the first box of the first row always contains 1. N is always in the left-most box in one of the rows of the diagram.


Consider a [6,3,2,1,1,1] Ferrers diagram:
1) If 6 is fixed on the 6th box of the 1st row and 11 is fixed in the last box of the 1st column, in how many ways can you complete the diagram in a standard way?

2) If 7 is fixed on the 6th box of the 1st row and 11 is fixed in the last box of the 1st column, in how many ways can you complete the diagram in a standard way?

3) If 8 is fixed on the 6th box of the 1st row and 11 is fixed in the last box of the 1st column, in how many ways can you complete the diagram in a standard way?"

I've tried to code a solution with a matrix filled with those numbers and with "-1" as a "row-ending character", but I got stuck. How can I code "fill it in every way possible so that the tableau is standard?".

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user2179983 Avatar asked Mar 29 '13 14:03


3 Answers

Here is a sample solution using SWI-Prolog for the first problem:

:- use_module(library(clpfd)).

tableau(Ts) :-
        Ts = [[A,B,C,_,_,F],
        A = 1,
        maplist(ascending, Ts),
        C #< I,
        append(Ts, Vs),
        Vs ins 1..14,
        F = 6,
        N = 11,

ascending(Vs) :- chain(Vs, #<).

The answer is that there are 2 ways to complete the tableau:

?- tableau(Ts), maplist(writeln, Ts).
    Ts = [[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], [7, 12, 13], [8, 14], [9], [10], [11]] ;
    Ts = [[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], [7, 12, 14], [8, 13], [9], [10], [11]] ;
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mat Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 12:10


To solve this I would use Constraint Programming (CP). The Young tableaux is actually one of the standard problems that I try to solve when learning a new CP system. Here's a list of the implementations so far: http://hakank.org/common_cp_models/#youngtableaux .

I have changed the "plain" MiniZinc model with some extra constraints for your specific questions. See the full model here: http://www.hakank.org/minizinc/young_tableaux_stack_overflow.mzn

(MiniZinc is very high level and easy to experiment with for problems like this.)

Short about the representation in the model: For a problem of size n (partition of n), the boxes are represented as a grid ("x", sized n times n) with the values of 1 to n+1, where each row and column are sorted in increasing order; so n+1 is sorted last and act as an empty value. The partition structure ("p") is then handled to comply with the Young/Ferrer structure (see the model for details).

Each of the three questions has two extra constraints (compared to the standard formulation of the problem):

  • a certain number should be in the 6th box of the first row The added constraint is x[1,6] = 6 % or 7 or 8

  • and 11 should be in the last box of the first column This is a little bit trickier but my way is this, i.e. that in the first column 11 should be last of the values less than n+1, i.e. all values following in the column are n+1:

     exists(j in 1..n) (
          x[j,1] = 11 /\ forall(k in j+1..n) (x[k,1] = n+1)

So, if I've understood the questions correctly the answers are: 1) 2 solutions 2) 10 solutions 3) 30 solutions

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hakank Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 12:10


Without using a program, I believe the answer to 1) is 2. Deriving this by hand might lead someone to an algorithmic solution.

The first row starts with 1 and ends with 6. Therefore the numbers that can go into row 1 must satisfy this condition: 1 < x < 6. Of the 14 digits that can go into this tableaux, only 4 satisfy that condition, and they are: 2 3 4 5. This means that row 1 must be: 1 2 3 4 5 6.

The first column starts with 1 and ends with 11. The numbers that can go into the first column must satisfy a similar condition: 1 < y < 11. Of the remaining unassigned numbers, only 4 meet this condition: 7 8 9 10. This leads to the first column being: 1 7 8 9 10 11.

There are only 3 remaining numbers now: 12 13 14. There are only two ways to arrange them in the remaining 3 cells of the tableaux. They can be arranged:

12 13


-- or --

12 14


Trying to tackle this in code, one could go the brute force route, or go look into constraint propagation and backtracking techniques. This is why someone suggested Prolog earlier. Another language to look at would be Python.

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Dave Newman Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 13:10

Dave Newman