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What is a good way to find a specific value in an XML document using C#?

I'm calling a WebService exposed by Oracle that accepts an input of an ItemID and returns to me the corresponding Item Number. I want to grab the Item Number that has been returned out of the XML contained in the response.

The XML looks like this:


I'm interested in grabbing only the <ns0:result>1010603</ns0:result> particularly only the 1010603.

I haven't done a lot of work parsing XML using C# and I'm playing around with a few different methods so far. What is the recommended way to do this?

I'm on VS2008 (so XPath is available etc.)

like image 814
Mat Nadrofsky Avatar asked Dec 17 '08 14:12

Mat Nadrofsky

2 Answers

I'd personally use LINQ to XML, because I find that easier to deal with than XPath, particularly when namespaces are involved. You'd do something like:

XNamespace ns0 = "http://dev1/MyWebService1.wsdl";

String result = doc.Descendants(ns0 + "result").First().Value;

Note that doc here is expected to be an XDocument, not an XmlDocument. (My guess is that this is why it wasn't showing up for you.)

like image 189
Jon Skeet Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 14:09

Jon Skeet

fwiw you can cheat the namespace issue with an xpath like this: //*[local-name()='result']

like image 41
annakata Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 14:09
